Business Book Review, E-Myth Revisited

29 04 2010

I finished reading E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber and after countless Blah business books, this one stands out as a true gem!  It is a book that is well crafted with business knowledge and interesting written stories of entrepreneurs struggling within their business.  It teaches of a battle between three personalities within the business owner: the technician (the work horse), the manager (the system maker), and the entrepreneur (the dreamer).  Its up to you to recognize these different personalities and balance them, letting the entrepreneur shine through.

Next, develop your business where efficient systems allow you to be the dreamer behind the business and not the worker bee, enslaved by tasks.  Create the foundation for your business as you were planning for there to be 100 more just like it.

For me, this book was meaningful, touching, as well as very structured and focused.  This is the perfect read for the business’man’ who doesn’t like the humdrum of those business folk.   Check it out:  E-Myth Revisted.