Does TEA Cure Everything?

3 05 2010

When I tell people I am a Tea Specialist, I generally get the question yearning for quick fixes. “I need a tea that will help me slim down, I need a tea that will help me pass my LSAT exam, I need a tea that will cure my Hepatitus C,” all of these are valid needs in our lives but can damage the impression that is TEA.

Now I remember the times I have guzzled a cup of hot tea right before an interview thinking it will summon my creative mind and channel elloquency. Beyond a burnt tongue, I don’t know if the tea did all that it was destined to serve in that instance. What it did do was create a moment of ritual where I told myself I will become creative and elloquent, and I believe there is a lot of beauty and power in that act.

Tea cannot instantly cure and solve those instances. In regards to body and weight, tea can begin and inspire a healthy lifestyle where one replaces more harmful bevs (the sugared, the coffee, the fattening) with something that serves to hydrate and provides you with the countless flavors found in the beauty of tea.

Here is a recommendation: try an oolong tea and instead of just steeping it once, steep it throughout your day. The flavors of oolong teas are known to develop, providing you a flavor-filled experience throughout your day. Each cup will possess a lower amount of caffeine than the previous and each will serve to hydrate you more than the previous. Plus I’ve experienced an incredible amount of focus doing this through the entire day.