Tea of the Day – Ginseng Oolong

15 04 2010
Ginseng Oolong Tea

Little nuggets of joy, ginseng oolong

Today’s cuppa is Ginseng Oolong, and I was curious as to the manufacture of it.    Ginseng Oolong tea is made by dusting the loosely wound tea leaves with the powdered form of ginseng.

Ginseng was considered the “cure-all” in ancient China and other Asian countries.  I would compare it as the predecessor to Windex (RE: My Big Fat Greek Wedding).  It was and still is used as an aid in digestion, to fight fatigue, to reduce stress,  to serve as an aphrodisiac (bow-shikka-bow-wow), among many other uses.  Seems like it is a perfect symphony for tea.

Oolong tea is just a fabulous tea in general.  Known for its floral and sometimes milky flavor, Oolong is a very unique tea due to its varying levels of oxidation all within a single leaf.  It is an incredible tea for multiple steepings, and the flavor is known to develop and/or change with each new pot.  Oolong is famously known as a diet/slimming tea, but I would consider that all tea in general contributes to a healthy diet and lifestyle.  Therefore, drink all forms of tea and lots of it.  🙂

To Brew:  Let boiled water rest for a several minutes (or if you are fussy, don’t let it boil at all).  Steep first batch for about 3-4 minutes, but I always recommend steeping to your personal taste preferences.  Enjoy… Resteep tea many times!  It is a good one to keep you calm and focused through your entire productive day.  Cheerio!



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